среда, 6 июня 2012 г.

The Best Things in Life!

  • Falling in love.

  • Hugging the person you love.

  • Friends.

  • Making new friends or spending time with old ones.

  • Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems

  • Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.

  • Road trips with friends.

  • Laughing so hard your face hurts.

  • A hot shower.

  • Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.

  • Chocolate milkshake.

  • A long distance phone call.

  • The beach.

  • Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.

  • Spending time with close friends!

  • Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.

  • Having someone play with your hair.

  • Watching the sunrise.

  • Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.

  • Knowing that somebody  misses you.

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