понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.

Movie Poster Cliches

Siberian blogger Christophe Courtois has compiled an amazing list of funny movie poster cliches. These classic design techniques have been employed for years, it`s just fun to see them all together in one post.

пятница, 23 ноября 2012 г.

Gorgeous : In the neck of time

It is a series of 115 photographs made over a two year period by Pauline Thomas, a 28 year-old French conceptual photographer who spends her time between Paris and London.
 ....without faces, she sees these as portraits...the heads, turned to the rear,...necks tensed,..creating a new identity...often disguising the gender...

воскресенье, 11 ноября 2012 г.

Seeing the World Through an Airplane Window

Seeing the world from above gives you a different perspective on the world. Patterns emerge, nature shines and cities feel colossal. Below you can tour the world through beautiful pictures shot through an airplane window.

Madrid, Spain

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 

North Cascade National Park Washington, USA 

Doha, Qatar

Los Angeles, California, USA

 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Manhattan, New York City, USA

Mexico City, Mexico

Mt Fuji, Japan

Texas, USA

Miami, Florida, USA

Between San Francisco and Nashville, USA

Wellington, New Zealand

Nice, France

New York, USA

четверг, 8 ноября 2012 г.

Felix Baumgartner - World's First Supersonic Skydiver

On October 14, 2012, Austrian extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner became the world’s first supersonic skydiver.  From an altitude of 24 miles above the Earth, he jumped from a balloon hoisted capsule, and as he fell, he hit Mach 1.24 (833.9 mph to be exact), breaking the speed of sound.  Tuned in via the world wide web were over 8 million live feed viewers, collectively cheering a sigh of relief as the stuntman deployed his parachute after a free fall of over 4 minutes, landing in Roswell, New Mexico. 

четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Mila Kunis is the sexiest woman Alive 2012

Mila Kunis has been named the 2012 Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire magazine. The 29-year-old Ukrainian beauty flaunts her curves and talks everything from fame to politics to immigration in the mag's new issue.
A special Mila Kunis video.
